INSPIRER : ACHARYA SHREE PURUSHOTTAMPRIYADASJI SWAMISHREE MAHARAJ | Estd. By Maninagar Shree Swaminarayan Gadi Sansthan Trust (The worldwide centre of Spiritual, Culture & Social Progress)

We are thrilled to announce that our Senior KG students at SSGITS, Godhra, have achieved a significant milestone in their Hindi language journey. They have successfully mastered two-letter words, laying a strong foundation for future language development.

This remarkable achievement demonstrates their proficiency in recognizing and reading two-letter words, understanding phonetic awareness, and developing foundational language skills. By mastering this essential skill, our students have built confidence in the Hindi language, fostering a lifelong love for language learning.

Through this accomplishment, our Senior KG students have taken a crucial step towards becoming confident communicators. They have cultivated strong language skills that will support their academic success and pave the way for future achievements.

The students' ability to independently identify and read two-letter words showcases their grasp of phonetic awareness and language fundamentals. We congratulate our Senior KG students on this outstanding achievement and look forward to their continued growth and excellence in the Hindi language.

Hearty Congratulations, Senior KG Students! We are proud of you!

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