INSPIRER : ACHARYA SHREE PURUSHOTTAMPRIYADASJI SWAMISHREE MAHARAJ | Estd. By Maninagar Shree Swaminarayan Gadi Sansthan Trust (The worldwide centre of Spiritual, Culture & Social Progress)

Primary School Programme


The Primary School Programme encourages inquiry and exploration, and develops children's competence in various skills - reading, writing, listening, speaking, problem-solving, observation, measurement and use of information and communications technology.

The Primary School curriculum is a blend of the GSEB and Internationally recognized syllabus offered by reputed publication. It offers an exciting and creative learning environment, with an inter-disciplinary appreciation of Languages, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies and Art & Crafts, as individual and integrated subjects. Gujarati is taught as a Second Language, while a choice between Hindi and Sanskrit is offered as the Third Language, which helps build a strong foundation in Indian languages.

Physical Education develops sports skills and creates health awareness. Exposure to team and individual sports encourage a sense of team spirit, and individual effort and accomplishment.

The wide range of curricular and extra-curricular opportunities offered helps instill confidence and discipline in children. The focus on developing communication skills helps them appreciate the value of education, as it reflects in their ability to express themselves, in addition to developing pragmatic skills.

  • Field trips, excursions, activities, projects and presentations provide experiential learning opportunities.
  • Dance, Fine Arts, Music, Yoga, Speech and Drama promotes (360 degree) development.
  • Students are encouraged to participate in inter-house cultural, clubs & sports events.
  • Active learning techniques like free play, dramatization, puppetry, singing, dancing and cooking enhance their interest in learning.
  • Book, newspaper and magazine reading activities increase children's awareness of the world.
  • Assemblies, concerts and drama productions help shape their confidence.

Students' engagement in community service activities introduces them to the needs of their community and to the world around them; they visit old-age homes and orphanages to understand their situations and also to support underprivileged children.

The fast developing young brain is stimulated through exploratory and hands-on activities, which can develop cognition, language and motor skills. They begin to appreciate the importance of education by remaining interested through the flexible, thought stimulating lessons. They are made aware of their own potentials and learn how to explore and exploit in the right direction thus moving away from vulnerability towards independence.